Implant Implants are artificial roots, which are made of titanium and have very special construction techniques, instead of the extracted...

Implant Treatment
Implants are artificial roots, which are made of titanium and have very special construction techniques, instead of the extracted teeth, placed in the root socket, that is, in the bone.

They are prostheses that the patient can put on and take off at any time. Removable dentures are applied in cases where the number of missing teeth is too high and fixed prosthesis cannot be made.

Root Treatment
It is an intervention performed when the pulp of the tooth is irreversibly inflamed. It is carried out by removing the pulp containing the vascular and nerve package of the tooth.

Aesthetic Dentistry
Even the most beautiful teeth are not attractive if they are not framed with healthy and properly shaped gums. Non-aesthetic gums can be corrected with treatments and minor operations on your gums.
Our Treatment

What is Root Canal Treatment?
Root canal treatment is a treatment method used to repair and save infected or decayed teeth. During root canal treatment,...